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The Early Years


  • Torodin Farm was officially created June 1971 by James & Eleanor Colvin when they purchased the farm from Wilbur Johnson.
  • The name is the compilation of names of the 3 sons, Tor, Rod, and Crispin.
  • The house was originally built by the Vining family in 1870.
  • Major renovations completed by the Colvin family include adding 2 stone and windowed porches to the back, updated wiring and plumbing, refinishing wood floors, new windows, new furnace, complete rebuilding of the upper floor, and many authentic decorating touches.
  • The farm consists of 100 acres, approximately 10 is wooded, with replanting completed 20 years ago.
  • Wabuno Creek forms some of the south-eastern border.
  • Torodin Farm has been the home of several different types of livestock since its inception:

    • herd of Lincoln Red cattle originally brought to Canada from Scotland
    • various pure bred poultry including Rhode Island Red, Buff Orpington, Barred Rock
    • flocks of sheep including Suffolk, Dorset, and crossbred varieties


  • There are different crop rotations yearly, including corn, soybeans, white beans, wheat, and hay
  • There are small pasture areas for cattle


The Present

The farm is now managed and worked by Crispin and his wife, Marianne, and children, Beth and Iain.
The major part of the farm is the Highland Cattle Herd which fluctuates from 25 to 40 animals.
The family have had success showing their cattle at shows such as the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto, New York State Fair in Syracuse, and National Western Stock Show in Denver.
The workable land is used for hay, corn, soybeans, and grain.

Why Highlands

Highland Cattle originated in Scotland and are one of the oldest breeds in the world.
They are valued for their hardiness and lean meat.
Distinctive features include the horns, shaggy coat and gentle disposition.
They range in colour from white to black, with red being the most common.
Highlands are able to forage on marginal land and still grow and prosper and raise good calves.
Highlands require little in the way of shelter, only a wind break in winter and shade in the summer.
Highland meat is lean, well marbled with low fat and cholesterol levels, yet rich in protein and flavour

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